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The Main Screen is simple and easy to understand

The left panel is the Cheque Details Entry from along with option to Add Banks (if not already Listed) and your accounts. Enter the details of cheque, save it and then give print command to see the preview and finally get the cheque printed.
The right panel shows the list of issued cheques with total amount at the bottom. You can also filter the records by Payee Name, Date Range or Amount.

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself.

John Frank

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Michael Crisp

Ut ex metus, ornare ac ultricies sit amet, auctor a elit. Praesent sit amet scelerisque massa. Duis porta risus id urna finibus aliquet.

Adam Lii

Ut ex metus, ornare ac ultricies sit amet, auctor a elit. Praesent sit amet scelerisque massa. Duis porta risus id urna finibus aliquet.

Richard Carl

Ut ex metus, ornare ac ultricies sit amet, auctor a elit. Praesent sit amet scelerisque massa. Duis porta risus id urna finibus aliquet.

Thomas Paul

Ut ex metus, ornare ac ultricies sit amet, auctor a elit. Praesent sit amet scelerisque massa. Duis porta risus id urna finibus aliquet.

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